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Udgivet d. 2023-03-23

Introduction to Shipping and Maritime Law

7 kursuspoint i EU-ret, konkurrenceret og udbudsret

 -  24 anmeldelser

About the course
An Introduction to Shipping and Maritime Law is designed to give you an insight into shipping and maritime law from an English law perspective.  The course aims to equip you with the knowledge to understand key aspects of shipping law including the rules and legal framework governing international shipping issues in a global context.

Target audience
This is an introductory course and is open to all that have an interest in developing their own understanding of shipping and maritime law. It may be of particular interest to anyone with an interest in shipping – for example, those working in the maritime industry or working in sectors that support the maritime industry (e.g. shipbrokers, chartering managers, in-house legal counsel, paralegals, claims handlers, freight forwarders); as well as lawyers considering careers within maritime law.


Vores kurser er primært rettet mod advokater og advokatfuldmægtige i forbindelse med deres obligatoriske efteruddannelse. Kurserne kan dog være yderst relevante og egnede for virksomhedsejere, administrative medarbejdere eller andre med særlig interesse indenfor området.


1.  Contracts of Carriage

In this lesson, we will look at the different types of contract governing carriage including bills of lading, charterparties and bareboat/demise charterparties and consider the legal framework governing bills of lading and charterparties.

22 minutter

2.  Time Charterparties

In this lesson, we take a closer look at Time Charterparties and important aspects relating to charter duration, delivery and re-delivery, the payment of hire, withdrawal, off hire and deductions from hire.

10 minutter

3.  Voyage Charterparties

In this lesson, we take a closer look at Voyage Charterparties noting the differences between these and Time Charterparties.  We delve deeper into key issues such as freight, laytime, demurrage, detention and termination.

17 minutter

4.  Ship Owner’s duties

In this lesson, we  consider various duties of a Ship Owner including the duty to provide a seaworthy ship, duty to care for the cargo, duty to proceed with reasonable despatch and deviation.

28 minutter

5.  Voyage Charterer’s duties

In this lesson, we focus on the duties of a Voyage Charterer including the duty to nominate a port or berth, duty to provide a cargo, duty to pay freight.

21 minutter

6.  Liabilities of the Vessel: Cargo Claims

In this lesson, we discuss the complexities of cargo claims for lost of damaged cargo.  I also touch on some practical aspects of proving a claim and the key role that cargo insurance plays in this context.

22 minutter

7.  Liabilities of the Vessel: Collisions

Collisions are one of the most common accidents at sea which lead to claims and litigation.  In this lesson, we will look at some defences and have a look at liability issues including the concept of contributory negligence.  We will also take a practical approach in relation to prevention of collision, the process after a collision and initiation of claims.

12 minutter

8.  Liabilities of the Vessel: Salvage

In this lesson, we will examine the law of salvage and how it deals with the recovery of a Vessel and its cargo after a maritime casualty.  We will look at the International Convention on Salvage as well as key standard contracts such as SALVCON 2005, SALVHIRE 2005 and BIMCO’s WRECKFIXED 2010, WRECKSTAGE 2010 and WRECKHIRE 2010.

27 minutter

9.  Liabilities of the Vessel: Towage

In this lesson, we will focus on towage law by looking at the UK Standard Conditions for Towage 1986 and BIMCO’s standard TOWHIRE 2008 and TOWCON 2008.

22 minutter

10.  Marine Insurance: Introduction to Marine Insurance

In this lesson, we look at the formation of insurance contracts and role of insurance brokers against the backdrop of the Marine Insurance Act 1906 and Insurance Act 2015.

19 minutter

11.  Marine Insurance: Hull and Machinery

In this lesson, we focus on Hull and Machinery insurance which provides cover for the Vessel itself and its mechanical parts and look at the main perils covered and the main exclusions.

18 minutter

12.  Marine Insurance: Cargo

In this lesson, we take a look at cargo insurance as well as other types of additional insurances that may be taken e.g. FD&D, kidnap and ransom, loss of hire, charterer’s liability.

18 minutter

13.  Marine Insurance: Protection & Indemnity

In the final lesson within this Course, we delve into the importance of Protection & Indemnity (“P&I”) cover and how P&I Clubs work to insure each other against third party liabilities.

33 minutter
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875,00 kr. pr. måned
Bindingsperiode på 12 måneder
Køb Essential (DKK 875,00)
  • Sikker betaling gennem Stripe
  • Support alle ugens dage kl. 9-16
  • Afspil på computer, telefon eller tablet

Natalie Wong

Natalie  Wong

Project Manager hos BIMCO

Natalie Wong er en australsk kvalificeret advokat med 11 års erfaring. Hun arbejder i øjeblikket i afdelingen Kontrakter & Klausuler hos BIMCO. Hun har tidligere arbejdet som advokat i Shipping/Offshore/Transport afdelingen hos Gorrissen Federspiel i København og for nylig blev hun udnævnt til in-house Senior Legal Counsel hos NTG Nordic Transport Group med speciale i kontrakter og tvistløsning indenfor transport, shipping- og logistikbranchen.